Polygon Splitter

Program Description

The polygon splitter was created to aid the drawing of polygons in OpenGL. By default, OpenGL does is not able to handle concave polygons, so it is up to the programmer to determine how to manipulate said polygons. Thus, this program splits a concave polygon into convex polygons using rather complicated vector and point algorithms.

Code Snippet

//Construction of 2 separate Polygons (split from the main polygon)
Polygon * poly1 = new Polygon();
Polygon * poly2 = new Polygon();

// Points for Polygon #1
poly1->addPoint(mPoly->getX(index1), mPoly->getY(index1)); //point 1
poly1->addPoint(Px, Py); //point2 is the intersection point

// remaining points for polygon 1
for (int k = index4; k != index1; k = (k + 1) % mPoly->getSize()) {
    poly1->addPoint(mPoly->getX(k), mPoly->getY(k));  

// Points for Polygon #2
poly2->addPoint(mPoly->getX(index2), mPoly->getY(index2)); //starting point for poly2
for (k = (index2 + 1) % mPoly->getSize(); k != index4; k = (k + 1) % mPoly->getSize()) {
    // we don't add a point if it is the same as the intersection point (it's added later)
    if (mPoly->getX(k) == Px && mPoly->getY(k) == Py) {
    } else {
        poly2->addPoint(mPoly->getX(k), mPoly->getY(k));
poly2->addPoint(Px, Py); //the end point for poly2 is the intersection point

// This recursively calls the concavity test on the newly created polygons

delete mPoly; //delete the original polygon that's no longer needed from the heap

Portion of the program that constructs new polygons


Sample Run


Left: the polygon split
Right: the polygon unsplit made in